Subinats is a celebration of all things Subaru. Laying down times on the circuit and the skid pan was a pretty good way of showing what a Subaru can do.
The morning schedule maximised track time as both North and South Circuits were used for Time Attack while the skid pan was set up for a Subaru show and (not so) shine event
Heavy rain hurt the morning track times and really tested the AWD drivetrain. I don’t know how the BRZs did it! The rain eventually stopped and the circuit dried up.
It was great seeing so many SVXs lined up. There are hardly any on the road these day yet these guys and girls travelled from all over to meet and show their cars together.
Just like WTAC, Subinats have a range of classes from the sideways happy Clubsprints to the flame throwing, rooster tailing Pros.
Subaru themselves had a display of the classics, legendary rally cars, the new WRX and hot laps in the new BRZ.
As the track was being converted to the full GP Circuit I was sitting at the hairpin which overlooks the skid pan. I could hear a boxer engine screaming around the track. I was looking around but couldn’t see it. The next thing I saw was a Subaru Rally Team WRX take the whole hairpin at full noise, sideways and blazing all four tyres!! I was absolutely blown away. I was the only person at the corner and just speechless. I’m so grateful to have seen and heard that. It was truly I sight to see. Thankfully I had my camera ready to go so I can share it with you reading.
As day turned to night it was time to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and perfect practice for those who were going to compete at WTAC in a few weeks time. It was my first time experiencing the new lights at SMSP and I have to say, it was impressive.
The action continued on the skid pan way into the night making for some stunning effects. Do I see Tuning Fork in the 2 door WRX??
As always I left the event wanting a Subaru. The cars are great but the community is what I love the most. I’ll keep dreaming of my G3 WRX hatch.
Enjoy the monster gallery below.
Thanks for stopping by Motorvated
Domenic Ciccio